Monday, March 28, 2011

i went for a walk

i went for a walk in the rain because
i knew you'd throw spoons if you knew [never]
knives never knives but even
words become swords when you
sharpen them
properly or

throw away your umbrellas! throw away
your umbrellas or hide them
somewhere no one
will ever find them
somewhere far away maybe
next to that smile you
never use

because you might need air to breathe
but you don't need eyes to see
and you don't need sunshine to be a

before you close
that door you don't have
to let me inside [and]
life's not black [or] white
not sink [or] swim
but! before you close
that door you might think
to let a little
rain in

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


the coffee made me ambitious+ and the
clarity made me cry and the
music made me hopeful and the
hopeful made me lie-
and the liars made me angry- but the
honest made me laugh+ laugh
laugh until i danced out of the
room on your behalf
all the faces- made me lonely and the
lonely made me shy and your
hands were there for holding+ letting them
go made me die and now
i'm standing- where i started but
standing taller than before+ you
didn't only change the locks you
handed me+ a brand new door knock
knock knock but it won't open
knock+ knock i mean it this time
instead i think i'll get some coffee and
think up some words to rhyme